.NET reflection : How do I invoke a method via reflection that returns array of objects?
Had a quick question.. Googled but nothing worthwhile found..
I have a simple type like shown below.
public class DummyClass
开发者_StackOverflowpublic string[] Greetings()
return new string[] { "Welcome", "Hello" };
How can I invoke the "Greetings" method via reflection? Note the method returns array of strings.
Nothing special is required to invoke this kind of method:
object o = new DummyClass();
MethodInfo method = typeof(DummyClass).GetMethod("Greetings");
string[] a = (string[])method.Invoke(o, null);
Here is the code you need to call a method using reflection (keep in ind - the MethodInfo.Invoke method' return type is "Object"):
DummyClass dummy = new DummyClass();
MethodInfo theMethod = dummy.GetType().GetMethod("Greetings", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (theMethod != null)
string[] ret = (string[])theMethod.Invoke(dummy, null);