Why do I end up with my param names instead of their values in this PDO insert statement?
This is actually my first project where I use PDO.
It worked very well so far but in this particular case I end up with the following content in my database:
The unmodified code I use is this:
$dbh=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=domain-me;port=3306','domain-me','****',array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND=>"SET NAMES utf8"));
INSERT INTO payments_paypal (
tid ,
txn_id ,
item_number ,
item_name ,
mc_currency ,
mc_gross ,
payment_date ,
payment_status ,
custom ,
payer_email ,
NULL , ':txn_id', ':item_number', ':item_name', ':mc_currency', ':mc_gross', ':payment_date', ':payment_status', ':custom', ':payer_email', ':raw_data'
I now did it using the old mysql_function and it works now. However I have this query that works just fine:
$sql = "INSERT INTO users ( puid,refcode,extuid, login,login_proxy, pass, email)
VALUES (:puid,:refcode,:extuid,:login,:login_proxy,:pass,:email);";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$do = $sth->execute(
':puid' => $refuser,
':refcode' => crc32(uniqid('')),
':extuid' => md5(uniqid('')),
':login' => $_POST['login'],
':login_proxy' => $_POST['login'],
':pass' => sha1($_POST['pass']),
':email' => $_POST['email'] ,
开发者_运维百科 )
I believe when doing an INSERT or UPDATE you need to specify the names in the insert values array without the colons. Try this:
$dbh=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=domain-me;port=3306','domain-me','****',array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND=>"SET NAMES utf8"));
INSERT INTO payments_paypal (
tid ,
txn_id ,
item_number ,
item_name ,
mc_currency ,
mc_gross ,
payment_date ,
payment_status ,
custom ,
payer_email ,
NULL , ':txn_id', ':item_number', ':item_name', ':mc_currency', ':mc_gross', ':payment_date', ':payment_status', ':custom', ':payer_email', ':raw_data'