
Vim displays OOPS instead of placement/color commands

I have a collection of Solaris boxes (5.10/8) on which I operate. When I log into one particular user and start Vim, I do not see the intro message of Vim as it should be. Instead, the message is displayed at the bottom on of the screen开发者_如何转开发 and "OOPS" is placed where we might expect to see a new line or any other color command. The problem persists when I start typing. The initial output looks like:

OOPSVIM - Vi IMprovedOOPSversion 7.2OOPSby Bram Moolenaar et al.OOPSVim is open source and freely distributableOOPSBecome a registered Vim user!OOPStype :help register for informationOOPStype :qOOPSto exitOOPStype :help or for on-line helpOOPStype :help version7 for version infoOOPSRunning in Vi compatible modeOOPStype :set nocpOOPSfor Vim defaultsOOPStype :help cp-default for info on thisOOPS

This occurs for all boxes. When I log out and use any other user, calling the same binary, the problem does not appear. I have taken the .vimrc from a different user and copied it to the home directory of the problem user to no avail. I have also tried setting the environment variables to match another user. I've found one post by Googling that says the problem was solved when they recompiled the binary. However, I do not have control or access to do that and I do not think it is a binary issue since all other users can use Vim just fine. Can someone spot what may be the problem?

As can be seen here:

  • http://code.google.com/p/vim/source/browse/src/term.c
  • http://code.google.com/p/vim/source/browse/src/termlib.c

The tgoto function (purpose: decode cm cursor motion string) can fail and return OOPS.

The most likely reason is unsupported TERM environment variable. To get a list of builtin terminal types recognized, try

TERM=bogus vim +q

It will show a list, and you can pick the one most closely resembling your OS/terminal (emulator)

PS. Consider filing a bug on the vim-dev list if you think this behaviour affects standard Solaris installations





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