
How do you pack the MONO Runtime with your application?

I hate how .NET Programs want you to download the .NET Framework to run them , so I was thinking of embedding the MONO Runtime with my program. Is there any third party software for doing it easily or would I need to do it by hand or by C/C++? Also , how much extra hard drive space would it need and 开发者_C百科are there any disadvantages of doing this?

P.S If I need to do it with C/C++, can you give me some example code?

Interesting idea - it looks like Mr. Icaza has documented exactly how to do that here.

You can distribute the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 redistributable package alongside your application.

Have a look at smallestdotnet.com.

This question is an old one. But it's the first link to the StackOverflow that Google gave me.

So for anyone else who lands here after googling:

  • Take a look at the mkbundle utility that is a part of the Mono project's SDK.
  • And see this question for more details.




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