
How do I access Google AdWords API with Node.js?

Is there a way to use node.js to access and manag开发者_开发技巧e a google adwords account?

I'm the author of an unofficial node.js client library for AdWords: https://www.npmjs.com/package/googleads-node-lib. It is getting closer to a feature complete client library every day. Pull requests welcome.

Yes, the library uses standard Javascript (it is built using Google's Closure library). What you might need to do is to write an HttpWebTransport adapter that works for Node.js. http://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-js/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Fjs%2Fsystem%2Fsrc%2Fgoogle%2Fsystem%2Fnet has a few examples for specific technlogies like Google Gadgets, Chrome extensions, etc. , but there isn't one for Node.js. Also see http://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-js/source/browse/trunk/js/adwordsapi/src/config.js for details on how to configure the library to use a particular HttpWebTransport class.

Cheers, Anash

There you go: https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-ads-api

Adwords are deprecated for now.

I don't know much about node.js but if it's using standard JavaScript then you should be able to get somewhere with the new AdWords API JavaScript library: http://code.google.com/p/google-api-adwords-js/





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