
How to handle $_POST results of autosuggest multi-input on form

I have the following JsFiddle to help with my question:


I am ultimately trying to create a simple input field which allows a user to enter multiple 'names' which creates a message to those users on our system. In many ways, this should function EXACTLY as Composing an email in Gmail (enter text for a user name/email, the autosuggests appears, then allow for additional input or submit).

When I run the code given, the results of the $_POST are quite strange.

Depending on which members are selected, the value of the key changes:


where XXX varies and 1,2,3,4 would represent the value of the members selected. These values are stored in a single element and separated by comma. In the end, I want to run through a loop for each user selected and send the necessary alert:

If 3 members are selected, e.g.

foreach($rows as $row) {
   do table insert with particular value

My site is built with php and clearly using jquery. I have done a bit of searching and can find nothing regarding multiple inputs on the same autosuggest field.

You can change the way the name of the hidden input is determined by adding the asHtmlID attribute to your .autoSuggest():

$("input.autoSuggest").autoSuggest(data.items, {
    selectedItemProp: "name",
    searchObjProps: "name",
    asHtmlID: "custom_id"

The variable posted to your php script will be available through $_POST['as_values_custom_id']





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