
Scrolling NSScrollView's documentView past CGFloat range

I'm running into a problem in 32bit builds with NSScrollView scrolling past the 24 bits of CGFloat (float in 32bit, double in 64bit builds).

Is there any way to specify a 'Screen Sized' (ie. float range) documentView and an int64 offset (or something similar), so that my drawing of the documentVisibleRect is always using valid coordinates?

...or am I missing something really basic here?

开发者_JS百科Also (just curious), how would scroll infinitely for something like a real world map zoomed into street level?

There is a concept of building 32 bit applications as 64 bit. You can read about here: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Cocoa64BitGuide/64BitChangesCocoa/64BitChangesCocoa.html

However it might be a good idea to reconsider what you're actually trying to do. Having such a large scroll means the documentView is really huge and takes up a lot of memory. Also I fail to see how this design is a positive thing for the users as they would probably need a lifetime to scroll to the edge of their document. You might consider implementing something that's called infinite scrolling. There's a SO question about this here: Scrollbars for Infinite Document?





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