ASP.NET MVC routing across server
I need to route WCF data services request from one server to another server. Is it possible to route a request across servers using ASP.NET MVC routing module? What are the options avai开发者_如何学运维lable for routing WCF data services request across servers?
That is not scenario for ASP.NET routing module. Routing module only routes request to handler within same web application. That is not real request router.
What you are looking for is usually performed on network level and it is called reverse proxy. Example of more powerful reverse proxy from MS world is ISA server.
If you don't have such server available (then the question is why do you need this?) using routing module will only allow you to route request to some handler within current application. You will have to implement that handler so that it takes incoming request and uses WebClient
to call the real service and return a response.
Check also this answer on ServerFault. It describes some modules for IIS allowing functionality of reverse proxy.