
NSDictionary loses data?

I've seen posts where NSDictionary loses data but in my case its a little wierd. I have a class that includes some data including NSString and NSIntegers and GLfloats. (As far as I know all of these do conform to NSCopying unlike things like CGFloat.)

I access the files quickly in my app and it all works, but then I try to access it again 开发者_如何转开发(to reload/refresh) the screen and then the NSInteger values return something between 180000, and a few billion for a value I know is definitely 4 so for some reason the data hasn't persisted.

It feels like the data is being lost/released/changed at some point but I don't know how it possibly can.


Heres some of the code, this is where the texturedQuads are created and store, the method is called for each atlas I have in the init method

Also I have changed where I misused the word wrapper

-(void)loadAtlasData:(NSString *)atlasName 
    NSAutoreleasePool *apool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    if (quadLibrary == nil) 
        quadLibrary = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

    CGSize atlasSize = [self loadTextureImage:[atlasName

    NSArray *itemData = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:atlasName ofType:@"plist"]];

    for(NSDictionary *record in itemData) 
        TexturedQuad *quad = [self texturedQuadFromAtlasRecord:record 
        [quadLibrary setObject:quad forKey:
         [record objectForKey:@"name"]];
    [apool release];

-(TexturedQuad *)texturedQuadFromAtlasRecord:(NSDictionary *)record 
                                 materialKey:(NSString *)key 
    TexturedQuad *quad = [[TexturedQuad alloc] init];

    GLfloat xLocation = [[record objectForKey:@"xLocation"] floatValue];
    GLfloat yLocation = [[record objectForKey:@"yLocation"] floatValue];    
    GLfloat width = [[record objectForKey:@"width"] floatValue];
    GLfloat height = [[record objectForKey:@"height"] floatValue];

    //find the normalized texture co-ordinates
    GLfloat uMin = xLocation/atlasSize.width;
    GLfloat vMin = yLocation/atlasSize.height;
    GLfloat uMax = (xLocation + width)/atlasSize.width;
    GLfloat vMax = (yLocation + height)/atlasSize.height;

    quad.uvCoordinates[0] = uMin;
    quad.uvCoordinates[1] = vMax;

    quad.uvCoordinates[2] = uMax;
    quad.uvCoordinates[3] = vMax;

    quad.uvCoordinates[4] = uMin;
    quad.uvCoordinates[5] = vMin;

    quad.uvCoordinates[6] = uMax;
    quad.uvCoordinates[7] = vMin;

    quad.materialKey = key;

    return [quad autorelease];

Second edit:

Added an example of the plist file


essentially its an array, consisting of dictionaries, each dictionary holds the data for the picture in the atlas. so theres the name, xLocation, yLocation, width, height.

edit 3: Here is where I load the object from I use a [MaterialController sharedMaterialController] to get an instance of this controller

-(TexturedQuad *)quadFromAtlasKey:(NSString *)atlasKey 
    return [quadLibrary objectForKey:atlasKey];

See if removing the auto-release pool sorts the issue. As far as I can see you don't need it as quadLibrary seems to be an iVar whilst itemData is auto-released by its parent class, as are all the TextureQuads you return in your for loop.





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