display select results inside anonymous block
I'm trying to debug a SELECT inside a procedure, and I'm trying to this using a anonymous block. I would like that SQL Developer simply return the last SELECT statement, but I get the error:
ORA-06550: line 21, column 5:
PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement
Insi开发者_开发百科de the procedure, I have an INTO for that select, but is there a simple way that I can simply get the results for the last SELECT statement for my debugging? I'm using anonymous block and variables so that the code is as similar as possible from what's actually inside the procedure, so that I don't have to change the code
set serveroutput on format wrapped;
p_cd_doc_type number;
p_dc_doc_code varchar2(200);
p_dt_base date;
p_qt_days number;
p_vl_mov_total number;
p_qt_transac number;
v_dt_max date;
v_dt_min date;
p_dt_base := sysdate;
p_qt_days := 1;
v_dt_max := trunc(p_dt_base) + 1;
v_dt_min := v_dt_max - p_qt_days;
p_vl_mov_total := 0;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_dt_max = ' || v_dt_max);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_dt_min = ' || v_dt_min);
select *
from tb_cad_cliente a join tb_trn_transacao b
on a.cd_cliente = b.cd_cliente
where a.cd_doc_type = p_cd_doc_type
and a.dc_doc_code = p_dc_doc_code
and b.dt_row between v_dt_min and v_dt_max
and b.cd_status = 3;
You can try with this, to print your result easily:
your_variable varchar2(19);
FOR x IN (SELECT your_column
FROM you_table
where rownum<2
order by 1)
For oracle 12c or higher
rfc sys_refcursor;
open rfc for select * from table;
In order to return the value of the select it needs to be selected into a container (a reference cursor or REF CURSOR). In your Declare you should include ref_cursor_out SYS_REFCURSOR;
and change your select to:
select * into ref_cursor_out ...
In SQL Developer there is an option (I am a Toad user, so I forget where in SD) that tells the IDE to load the result set into a grid to view.
[edit: per comment from @DCookie, Thanks for the catch!]
For what I know, whatever tool you use to debug, the pl/sql blocks(anonymous and named) should be valid for the PL/SQL compiler. The fact is that your block doesn't result valid for the PL/SQL compiler, and your error is there to tell you, and is coming out from the PL/SQL compiler and not from the Sql Developer!
PLS-00428: an INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement Cause: The INTO clause of a SELECT INTO statement was omitted. For example, the code might look like SELECT deptno, dname, loc FROM dept WHERE ... instead of SELECT deptno, dname, loc INTO dept_rec FROM dept WHERE ... In PL/SQL, only a subquery is written without an INTO clause. Action: Add the required INTO clause
ORA-06550: line string, column string: string Cause: Usually a PL/SQL compilation error. Action: None
Why error
When an Pl/sql error appear, you only have the choice to investigate in the code and in the manuals: Resolution of names in static SQL statements
PS: The route is always the same:
How to ask
All the "oracles" are here:
Sql Developer
I recently changed from MSSQL to PLSQL and I miss the return values as tables from procedures for analytical purposes. I wrote simply dynamic query that return table by two steps. Maybe someone use it:
rkry20150929: Return table from anonymous block
v_stmt varchar2(1000);
c int;
select count(*) into c from user_tables where table_name = upper('tmp_result');
if c>0
v_stmt := 'truncate table tmp_result';
execute immediate v_stmt;
v_stmt := 'drop table tmp_result';
execute immediate v_stmt;
end if;
v_stmt :='CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_result on commit preserve rows AS ';
v_stmt:= v_stmt ||
/*-----THERE FILL SQL COMMAND-----------*/'
SELECT ''Result select to table in anonymous block '' MyColumn FROM DUAL
';/*-----THERE FILL SQL COMMAND-----------*/
execute immediate v_stmt;
SELECT * FROM tmp_result;