Disable/detect Windows 7 Snipping Tool?
My company makes Flash tools for use in online market research, and often get requests for additional security for promotional material, product videos/images etc, so that they cannot be captured.
We are already using various different methods for this (e.g. clearing clipboard at regular intervals, forcing users to hold space down while viewing an image) but it has just come to our attention that these methods can be easily circumvented by using the Windows 7 Snipping tool.
Ideally we would block the use of this tool entirely - altho开发者_运维百科ugh even just being able to detect that this is in use, and then hiding the media would be better than nothing.
Are there any methods (JS, AS or otherwise) that enable you to disable or detect this? Or am I wasting time trying to achieve something that is impossible?
You are wasting your time trying to achieve something impossible. Even if it were somehow possible to detect this particular tool, there are many other ways of capturing the contents of the screen.
It's not a coding question, it's a copyright question.
From technical point of view it is impossible to prevent someone from taking a screenshot or copying stuff you put on the internet. You can put any system in place and in the most extreme scenario I can still take a photo of the PC screen with my mobile phone.
If you want to truly protect your images and videos, add a copyright note to each of them and then prosecute everyone who violates the copyright law.
Law is on your side, so don't afraid to use it. It's easier than inventing impossible solutions ;)
If you can make Win32 API (for example, you run Adobe AIR, or if you have an ActiveX), then you could use the msdrm API: DRMRegisterProtectedWindow:
That will prevent the snipping tools, as well as the print screen from working. As people above suggested, this isn't a bullet proof protection, but it is a step. If you target occasional users (vs. determined hackers) that will help.
To prevent snipping tool usage, simply black out the picture when the mouse is not over the picture. This will stop the snipping tool... unless your users know autohotkey