
Can eclipse notify me when a task has finished running?

I am often stuck twiddli开发者_开发知识库ng my thumbs for a couple minutes while eclipse cleans, builds, or loads my projects. It would be nice if eclipse could notify me with a beep when the last task in the Progress view has finished running, so I can stop reading the internet and get back to work. Is there a setting or plugin that does this?

Edit: I tried adapting the plugin template that nonty provided below, which adds a listener to the JobManager. I tried implementing done() to beep only when the job change event's name contains "Building workspace," as that is the task that usually takes the longest in my setup. Exasperatingly, the task that builds the workspace never sends a done() call, just scheduled() and aboutToRun() calls. Any other ideas?

There are no preference for this - yet.

The JobManager have the needed API to support this functionality...

EDIT: I have constructed and attached a very simple plug-in that will beep for every job that terminates. That turns out to be rather often :-) . You can modify it to filter out all the false positives, e.g. by getPriority() and getName(). Also you can make the listener play a tune, popup a message (don't!) or whatever...

See jobnotifier.zip.

UPDATED the link above again





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