setting Facebook Connect cookie expiration when using Rails/OmniAuth
I have a Rails 3 app that authe开发者_开发技巧nticates users using (v0.2.6). In OmniAuth, I am only using Facebook as the authentication provider.
My omniauth.rb file looks like this...
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
key = 'a6h456kh78gnjh4kjh7' # not my real API key
secret = 'kjh45kj56odf987yjkh3' # not my real secret either
provider :facebook, key, secret
This works, but the Facebook cookie expiration seems to be set as "session". Is there a way to have the Facebook cookie expiration last for a longer period of time? Ideally I'd like to set it for a year.
Set a permanent cookie using:
cookies.permanent.signed[:user_id] =