
IPhone over Android and vice versa [closed]

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I develop applications on both IPhone and Android. As a part of my organization's Technical Session program I have myself delivering the next session on iPhone or Android. Getting the session made me start comparing both technologies, which believe me, is really a tough job. As a programmer in both technologies I often think how will the Application seem to be if I used the other one. Which further makes me list out pros and cons of both.

Android ahead of iPhone:

There are couple of factors where Android steps ahead of iPhone.

  • Multiple apps at same time

  • Information visibl开发者_Go百科e on home screen

  • Better notifications

  • Hardware flexibility

iPhone ahead of Android:

Following are the factors:

  • UI Smoothness and Consistency

  • Language support

  • Accessibility options

  • Battery life

  • Resource efficiency

  • Hardware quality

  • Better App Store

However, as a programmer, I want my session to be more of technical rather than a being a general overview of both technologies. For which I need some help. For instance Android's memory management is way ahead of that of iPhone's. On the other hand IPhone's UI has no comparison at all.

What more (technical) points can I include in my session? Also, kindly correct me if I am wrong somewhere above.

As far as the UI goes. I'm interested (as a programmer) to understand why exactly you consider iOS to be superior because in android the layouts that can be used are ever expanding and can be customized from the ground up where as in iPhone if you step outside of Apples box you get booted from the app store.





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