
Lightweight markup language for math [closed]

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Is there an easy markup language for math equations?

I am developing an application for undergrads and I was looking for something less complex than LaTex and easier to write tha开发者_C百科n MathML.

For the actual equations themselves, I think tex is simple and clear. Tex gets complicated only when you worry about everything except the equations, such as documents and packages etc. And the quality of tex equations is far better than everything else. So I'd recommend looking at some kind of hybrid approach - use tex markup for the actual equations, but embed them in a simpler environment. You might look at some of the questions relating to converting tex equations directly to pngs.

Have you looked at ASCIIMathML? It converts the markup to MathML, but seems to be easier on the brain...

Look at eqn at http://www.kohala.com/start/troff/troff.html for instance.

The answer will depend critically on what you want. Note that if you roll your own you will have to develop a complete toolkit for authoring, validating, transforming and rendering. You will either have to have a very small language or put in a lot of effort.

If you want typesetting, then use either TeX or presentational MathML as they have well-developed toolkits. If you want semantic math then content MathML is your best bet.

One of the main groups involved with math markup is the Mathematical Knowledge Management community (MKM) and their choice is MathML. I have interacted with them over the years as chemistry and math often are found together.

I'm afraid that the answer is that Math is a complex subject and there are no ultra simple solutions. I believe that MathML is fairly free of unnecessary complexity and represents the best way forward. Moreover it is an excellent indication of the difference beteween presentation and content/semantics.





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