
PHP GET, if / esle [closed]

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What's wrong with this code:

if ($_GET['variable'] == "a") {
    $variable = "a";
else {
    $variable = "b" 
echo $variable;

I get an internal server error.

You missed a semicolon here: $variable = "b";

$variable = 'b';
if (isset($_GET['hop']) && $_GET['hop'] == "a")
    $variable = 'a';

echo $variable;

For an explanation on what you did wrong look here: http://php.net/manual/en/getting-started.php

Semicolon is missing in else part $variable.

else {
    $variable = "b"; 

You forgot the trailing ; on the $variable = "b" line.

Mising a semicolon

$variable = "b";

Missing a semi-colon does not give an internal server error. Check to see if you have a .htaccess file in the root and if its configured correctly.

Propably the missing ; in line 6

    $variable = "b";

Because some other answer provide alternatives too

echo isset($_GET['hop']) && ($_GET['hop'] == "a")
     ? 'a'
     : 'b';






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