
Decompiling obfuscated java bytecode [closed]

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I work on a platform which runs Java apps. Those apps are often obfuscated, most of them using ProGuard, which makes debugging issues with our platform very difficult.

Currently I'm using JD (http://java.decompiler.free.fr/ ) to decompile it those apps. JD does a decent job, but sometimes the generated code is too difficult to understand.

This appears to happen mainly because obfuscation tools exploit the less constrained spec of JVM Bytecode to produce valid bytecode which doesn't map back to valid Java code (example: aggressive overloading).

So, my question is: is there a decompiler built开发者_如何转开发 especially to deal with obfuscated bytecode?

I doubt any decompilers do that. However you could implement custom bytecode transformation and rename overloaded method and variable names using something like ASM.

There is a decompiler known as Fernflower developed by a member here. It boasts being a decompiler specifically made for decompiled code, however you may want to take its claim with a grain of salt. It's uploaded here: https://github.com/Zidonuke/Bukkit-MinecraftServer/blob/master/tools/fernflower.jar?raw=true





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