jquery one hyperlink should be enabled at a time
I have created two hyper links with Create User and Batch
If one hyper clicked a pop up is being opened , and at the same time when other hyper link (Batch ) should not be opened
(Currently both are being opened )
Please tell me how to resolve this ??
please see my code :
var create = dojo.create("div",{
innerHTML:"<a class='popupLink' href='javascript:openDialog()'>Create User</a> <span>|</span><a href='javascript:openFileDialog()'>Batch </a>"
function openDialog() {
// some code
The other hyper link code is
function openFileDialog() {
$( "#fileuploadfun" ).dialog({ position: 'center' , zIndex: 0, width: 500, show: 'slide', resizable:'false' });
Currently the Dialog bOxes are created in this way :(This is for Batch)
$("#fileuploadfun").attr('title',"Batch ");
$( "#fileuploadfun" ).dialog({ position: 'center' , zIndex: 0, width: 500, show: 'slide', resizable:'false' });
And the User dialog is created this way :
$( "#createUserDialog" ).dialog( "option", "title", 'Create User' );
$( "#createUserDialog" ).dialog("open");
The links cannot be disabled by just any attribute.The way to disable any link is by simply removing the onclick or replacing the href with # or javascript:void(0) to avoid jumping to page top.