
Flash Builder composite component - custom skin properties in property inspector

Adding a manifest.xml and design.xml allows component writers to better integrate with Flash Builder. I have been able to create custom components that have properties visible in the property inspector, editable via text inputs, combo boxes, file choosers, etc, but I'd like to take things one step further.

I have a composite component whose child components are hidden using this nice trick in order to better implement encapsulation. Now what I would like to do is expose skin class styles/properties for the child components in the main component.

"Official" skin style editor in the property inspector:

Flash Builder composite component - custom skin properties in property inspector

So what I'd like to add to my component is two or more of those dropdowns, each one controlling the skins of the composed children. After digging through the xml files in eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flexbuilder.codemodel_4.5.x\resources\design, I noticed

<component name="spark.components.supportClasses.Skin">
  <designExtension class="com.adobe.flexide.extensions.components.spark.components.supportClasses.SkinExtension" />

which gives me hope it just might be possible to hack something together that will support such properties. I'm just not sure how, if indeed this is doable.

Any ideas for attacking this problem would be appreciated.

Update 2011-06-23 16:13 I've decided to go the standard rou开发者_开发知识库te for now and create custom skins instead.





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