Date range in sql
I want to write a query where it displays data between 01-April-2010 to lastday-april-2011.
But I don't want to hard code the year. I开发者_如何学Pythont should take from system date so it only displays records from this year april to next year april.
Thanks in advance for the help.
select add_months( trunc(sysdate,'YYYY'), -12 )
+ interval '4' month
+ level
- 1
from dual
connect by level <= ( (trunc(sysdate,'YYYY')
+ interval '4' month) -
(add_months( trunc( sysdate, 'YYYY' ), -12 )
+ interval '4' month) )
should work. You could probably simplify the expression that computes the number of rows but I'd have to think for a few minutes about leap years.
If the date column has no time component:
select ...
from mytable
where datecol between add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YYYY'),3)
and add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YYYY'),16)-1
If the date column has a time component:
select ...
from mytable
where datecol >= add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YYYY'),3)
and datecol < add_months(trunc(sysdate,'YYYY'),16)
Your query should be something like this
SELECT * FROM youtable WHERE datecolumn BETWEEN to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')+'0401' AND to_char(sysdate,'yyyy')+'0430'