Load view with popover?
I have a main view with a UINavigationController and a s开发者_高级运维ubview (both added through interface builder). I have a UIBarButtonItem in the navigation toolbar. When that button is clicked, I want a popover view to come up (with a table format) with options for different subviews to choose from. When a user chooses one of the subviews (by clicking a cell), the popover should fade away and the subview should change to the user's chosen view.
Those view options should be loaded from separate xib files.
I know it's a relatively complicated question, but what is the best way to do this?
I don't necessarily need code, but that would be helpful. Thanks guys!
Check this tutorial about the popOvers: http://mobiforge.com/designing/story/using-popoverview-ipad-app-development
Are you looking for something similar to this?
Checkout the – loadNibNamed:owner:options:
of NSBundle(UINibLoadingAdditions)
. Your view will be the first index object of the returned array commonly.