
Click event does not work properly in jQuery plugin

I'm writing a jQuery plugin, but I'm having a problem:

My HTML element

<a id="trac"></a>

My JS that calls the plugin


My plugin

$.fn.myplugin = function(){
    var $root;
    return this.each(function(){
        $root = $(this);

It happens that "here" is never displayed. But if I use...


..."here" is displayed. I don't understand why it is happening because $root and $('#trac') are exactly the same jQuery object.

How can I fix it?


The ".live()" function needs a selector, and in your plugin you're not giving it one. The jQuery object you build ($(this)) is a valid object but there's no selector string involved.

You could directly bind the handler:

  $root.click(function() { ... });

To elaborate: you say, "... because $root and $('#trac') are exactly the same." The problem is that that is not really true. When you build a jQuery object with a selector string, the object keeps that selector string around. There's no string when you build "$root" from "$(this)". The ".live()" function operates by creating a handler on the <body> element and then testing the target of each event that bubbles up against that selector.

I like the other answer as a "direct" answer to the question but to show some alternate to what you are doing for others I think you can simplfy the plugin as:

<div id="mystuff">hi</div>
<div id='answer'>empty</div>

$.fn.myplugin = function() {
    this.live('click', function() {

as shown in this example: http://jsfiddle.net/FgUEB/, thus the "this" gets the selector and you can then attach the "live click" - without the complexity of the .each - which, IF you do it the way you have it (with the selector fixed of course) will put the event on the elements multiple times if it has several - which is implied by the .each you have in your example.

jQuery.fn.newMethod = function(){
    return this.each(function(){
        alert(typeof this);

The reference this keyword within the inner function (in the alert) refers to the current HTML element. Since it is NOT a jQuery object it won't have access to the jQuery methods (although, you can wrap it in the jQuery object to get those methods back as jQuery(this).

jQuery.fn.newMethod = function(){
    return this.each(function(){
        jQuery(this).css({'background-color':'red'});//each inner element




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