
How can I fake my IP address [closed]

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I have a sprider collect data from some web site.but it offen b开发者_如何学JAVAe denied.

I think it basis of my IP address.

how can I fake my IP address. or have a another way to avoid be denied.


Well what you can do is try to access the end point through a proxy server. If the end point is tougher and can detect if you're coming through a proxy, you can try proxy chaining, or better still try something like tor. Look at this question - Connect to Tor network with ruby for further help.

The only way would be to use a proxy, or to ask your ISP/hosting provider to give you a new one (and I suspect they probably won't, or if they do, they won't do it too often.)

If a site is blocking your IP address because you're running a spider on it, you should maybe think about how often you go to that website and how much traffic you cause the site. There's a reason they're blocking your IP (if they are.) Maybe change how often you go to the side with the spider, and also determine whether or not you should be (though I don't have any details on the site, so I can't comment on that)





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