'getActionAnnotation' not found in a trait extending Controller
When using play-scala module, I write a Secure trait as the following:
trait Secure extends Controller {
self:Controller =>
def checkAccess = {
if (!session.contains("username")) {
flash.put("url", if (request.method == "GET") request.url else "/")
var check = getActionAnnotation(classOf[Check])
if (check != null) {
check = getControllerInheritedAnnotation(classOf[Check])
if (check != null) {
private def check(check: Check) {
for (role <- check.value()) {
if (!check(role)) {
But I get the f开发者_如何学JAVAollowing compilation error:
The file /app/controllers/Secure.scala could not be compiled. Error raised is : not found: value getActionAnnotation
How can I correct this?
getActionAnnotation() is defined in the Java Controller parent class, not in the Scala version (which is in ScalaController but gets "renamed" in the Scala module's source, see src/play/mvc/package.scala in the scala module).
I fear you either need to fork&patch the Scala module, or grab the source from the Java source (framework/src/play/mvc/Controller.java).