
searchable online opengl documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.

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Is there documentation on opengl that is searchable? The one provided here is inadequate in the sense that I can't do something like ctrl-f "gl_rgb" and get results, since it would only search the names of classes or functions.

Before you tell me to just google it, let me mention that if I did a query for "range python docs" it'll take me directly to pythons documentation for range, but I did a similar query for opengl ("gl_rgb opengl documentation") and only got forum results.

If you want a "large PDF", there is always the OpenGL specification itself. I'm something of an adept in OpenGL, so I can read through the spec and know what it's talking about. But most people probably shouldn't. It isn't very readable.

There is the OpenGL Wiki, which being a MediaWiki, is very searchable.

Before you tell me to just google it, let me mention that if I did a query for "range python docs" it'll take me directly to pythons documentation for range, but I did a similar query for opengl ("gl_rgb opengl documentation") and only got forum results.

That's because "GL_RGB" is not something that is "documented". It is an enumerator. Indeed, the meaning of GL_RGB is different depending on where it is used.

As the internal format parameter to glTexImage* functions, it means that the internal format of the texture will be a color format that contains red, green, and blue components (alpha being 1.0), and that the implementation will select the number of bits per channel however it sees fit.

As the pixel format parameter to glTexImage*, it means that the pixel data given to the function is color data containing red, green, and blue data, in that specific order. So there can't be a single piece of documentation for "GL_RGB" as it has different meanings.

Python's range function is a function. And functions have documentation. Just like OpenGL functions. If you search for "glVertexAttribPointer", you will find documentation for it.

You can use the "site:" feature of google
Here you go





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