vbscript dictonary problem
I am using dictonary in VBscript. I have some problems that I don't understand some of the behaviour:
Dim CmdData
Set Cm开发者_StackOverflowdData = CreateObject("System.Dictonary")
CmdData.Add "11", "tttzz"
CmdData.Add "sssid", "KRN"
WScript.Echo(" ZZZZZZZZ= " & CmdData.Count) 'It prints zero and not 2
Dim s
s = CmdData.Item("11")
WScript.Echo(s) 'It prints empry box and not tttzz
Dim a, j
a = CmdData.Keys
For j = 0 To CmdData.Count -1
WScript.Echo(" ZZZZZZZZ= " & CmdData.Count)
WScript.Echo(a(j)) ' doesn not print
If (CmdData.Exists("-ad")) Then
'WScript.Echo (" RR ") ' It prints it although not in the dictonary
End If
VBScript's Dictionary is "Scripting.Dictionary":
>> set syd = CreateObject("System.Dictionary")
>> syd.add "a",1
Error Number: 429
Error Description: ActiveX component can't create object
>> set scd = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
>> scd.add "a",1
>> WScript.Echo scd.Count, scd("a")
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