Pattern-Matching Algorithm
This is slide from class at my University, it about Pattern-Matching Algotithm..
And I try to code it in Java below;
// Get values for both the text T1,T2 ... Tn and the pattern P1 P2 ... Pm
String[] T = {"Java", "is", "too", "delicious", ", Dr.Java", "is", "confrim!"};
String[] P = { "is", "too"};
// Get values for n and m, the size of the text and the pattern, respectively
int n = T.length;
int m = P.length;
// Set k1 the starting location for the attempted match, to 1
int k = 0;
// While(k<=(n-m+1))do
while (k <= (n - m + 1) - 1) {
// Set the value of i to 1
int i = 0;
// Set the value of Mismatch NO
boolean Mismatch = true; // Not found (true - NO)
// While both (i<=m) and (Mismatch = NO) do
while ((i <= m - 1) && (Mismatch)) { // if Not found (true - NO)
// if Pi != Tk+(i-1) then
if (P[i].equals(T[k])) { // if Found(true)
// Set Mismatch to YES
Mismatch = false; // Found (false - YES)
// Else
} else {
// Increment i by 1 (to move to the next character)
i = i + 1;
// End of the loop
// If mismatch = NO then
if (!Mismatch) { // if Found (false - YES)
// Print the message 'There is a match at position'
System.out.print("There is a match at position ");
// Print the value of k
// Increment k by 1
k = k + 1;
// Enf of the loop
// Stop, we are finished
But I have a question! why in pseudo code version, check if P not equal T ? I think it would rather to be check if P equal T (How it difference with my version? , sorry for my terrible English)
You made a translation mistake at the inner while
while ((i <= m - 1) && (Mismatch)) { // if Not found (true - NO)
In pseudo code it was said to be Mismatch=no
which would be !Mismatch
This resulted in the case that you had to invert the inner if statement.
The pseudo code essentially checks from every point a match could possibly begin in T (1 <= k <= n-m+1
), loops and checks that the substring of T from k to k+m-1 matches P. So as soon as it finds one mismatched letter, it stops checking the substring, and increments k (to check from the next position). That conditional (T[k+i-1] != P[i]
) is the breaking condition for the inner loop, and the boolean to flag that from the current starting position k
, there is no match.
Note that this algorithm has complexity O(nm)
which is slow. There are smarter algorithms that can search in linear time, like KMP.