How to know if method is taking array as param using reflection
I am trying to invoke the API with the given input parameters. Input params are coming as a List. Now my job is get the API's parameter types one by one and build the required type instance from List. I am able to do for simple java types , List, Set but I am stuck at the array.
Method method = getMethodFromTheClassBasedOnvalues( loadedClass, apiName, numberOfParams);
Type[] apiMethodParams = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
List<Type> expectedParamTypes = Arrays.asList(apiMethodArgTypes);
List<Object> actualValues = // method input.
List<Object> argsList = new ArrayList<Object>();
for (int i = 0; i < expectedParamTypes.length; i++) {
method.invoke(loadClass.newInstance(), argsList.toArray());
The problem comes when I get the method which is of type API (String, String[]) I try to get GenericTypes by calling method.getGenericParameterTypes() which returns and array something like this :
[class java.lang.String, class [Ljava.lang.String;]
or if one parameter [Ljava.lang.String;
Based on this how would I know if its taking Array of String. I see difference is class name is starting after [L and finishes with; but is it guaranteed?
Will the bevhiour be same for CustomObject[] also?
Is there any smart way to know if the method is taking an array and to build it lately? Any thoughts in this direction will help.
Thanks in advance.
Try to use
Class[] Mehotd.getParameterTypes()
After that you can call Class.isArray() and determine does this parameter class is array
[L means an array of objects indeed. See for example here. But the best way to check if some class represents an array, is the isArray method.
You haven't shown what castToRequiredType
is doing, but if you ever end up casting the Type
to Class
, you'll be able to use Class.isArray
and Class.getComponentType