Implement an Async timeout in Silverlight?
In Silverlight, say we start an async request:
var request = WebRequest.Create(uri);
and then wait for a response via a delegate
request.BeginGetResponse(getResponseResult => ...
How do we timeout this waitee, to deliver a time-out error signal to the delegate instead? Use a timer? (note: timeout options available in the .net framework are missing in the Silverlight version).
To handle two messages arriving at the same time, we could introduce a Guid filter, and then ignore a 2nd message when/if it was delivered to the delegate. Or in reverse (better), we register an expiring Guid so that the delegate can discard a second message -- at least some garbage collection is possible then (although the memory footprint of a delegate has got to be on the small side).
What follows are some notes I've made. I haven't reached a conclusion yet. Any help much appreciated.
My line of enquiry was going to be to implement a timer, notify the callback, and then somehow cancel waiting delegate in request.BeginGetResponse(...).
While the .Net Frame Work 4 implements a timeout on the WebRequest class, the Silverlight version does not.
"System.Threading.Task.Wait Method (TimeSpan)" is not available either
QUESTION 1: is there a better way to implement a timeout error to the same delegate target?
QUESTION 2: To cancel the waiting delegate, is it sufficient to use "request.BeginGetResponse(null)"?
QUESTION 3: will a non executed delegate (e.g. getResponseResult => ...) cause a small memory leak? Is this just a minor concern?
Information on creating a timer:
Some References: (seems to be WCF related) (seems to be WCF related)开发者_如何学Gout-Function-in-Silverlight (could be useful)
Silverlight, dealing with Async calls (no new information) (I want to deal with Async properly... I've got some good techniques, but I want to ensure that I'm using them cleanly. Probably I need to look into delegates more closely). (some good information. Still haven't found out what to do about infinitely waiting delegates).
If you feel like giving reactive extensions a try you will get time out support for cheap. With Rx it will look something like this (not exact code):
var obsrv = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<...>(Begin..., End...);
obsrv(...).Timeout(new TimeSpan(0,0,5)).Subscribe(() => DoThings());