
What parts of the Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 IDE package can I delete to save memory space

I am starting to use Xcode 4 on a regular basis, but still find it easier to do some things within Xcode 3. I updated to Xcode 4 to the regular directory and then created another separate directory to which I downloaded Xcode 3. I then noticed that the complete Xcode 3 folder is a whopping 8.85GB!

I only develop iPhone and iPad apps. Are there any things in Xcode 3 folder that I can delete? Or move to a external hard drive and then pull back up when I need it? I could really use the space as I am on a Macbook Air.


What parts of the Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 IDE package can I delete to save memory space


I just noticed that Xcode 4 takes up 12.75 GB. So if anyone knows what I can get rid of there, that would be also fantastic :)开发者_StackOverflow中文版

I've started off by going into Developer --> Platforms and then deleting the iPhoneSimulator.platform folder.

I never use the iPhone simulator and this folder in both versions of Xcode take up around 4GB each so I thought this would be a good start.

I haven't seen yet whether it causes me any problems elsewhere, but hopefully it shouldn't.

I'm continuing to see what other folders are not necessary and take up a lot of space.





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