
Oracle ApEx Shuttle and Ajax On Demand Process

I am trying to use a Shuttle item with an apex collection but when I attempt to add my P10_SHUTTLE value to my apex collection via an On Demand Process, while having selected 3 values from left to right, nothing seems to get ported across to the collection.

Also, after trying to return the value back from the collection to the P10_SHUTTLE item, again, nothing returns again.

Is there something different when it comes to using a shuttle item with an AJAX on demand process?

For your information, I am using Dene's method of returning the values: see: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=31517:106:::NO

I am basically using all the same code that Dene's example does

I am not sure if it's to do with the following process of returning the values to the shuttle as all my select lists work but the shuttle item refuses to do so, i.e.:

  if(l_El.tagName == 'INPUT'){
    l_El.value = l_Value;
  } else if(l_El.tagName == 'SPAN' && 
  l_El.className == 'grabber'){
  l_El.parentNode.innerHTML = l_Value;
  l_El.parentNode.id = l_ID;
  l_El.innerHTML = l_Value;

With this code, do I need to do something different for Shuttle items, i.e. the tagName as I have also added == 'SELECT'

I'm stumped as 开发者_开发知识库to why I am having issues with Shuttles and Ajax.

If in doubt it is always worth using your browser's "View Source" option to see what Apex is doing under the covers. In the case of a shuttle item, this is an Apex construct made up of two HTML select list controls. If your shuttle item is called P10_SHUTTLE then the 2 select lists are called P10_SHUTTLE_LEFT and P10_SHUTTLE_RIGHT.

I just created a simple shuttle named P15_SHUTTLE on a test page and when I view the source I find:

<label for="P15_SHUTTLE" tabindex="999"><a class="t20OptionalLabelwithHelp" href="javascript:popupFieldHelp('13520996209337433800','287302151803630')" tabindex="999">Shuttle</a></label></td> 
<td  colspan="1" rowspan="1" align="left" valign="middle"><input type="hidden" name="p_arg_names" value="13520996209337433800" /><fieldset id="P15_SHUTTLE" class="shuttle"> 
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" summary="" class="shuttle" ><tr> 
<td class="shuttleSelect1"> 
<select multiple="multiple" id="P15_SHUTTLE_LEFT" size="10" class="shuttle_left"> 
<option value="Alpha">Alpha</option> 
<option value="Beta">Beta</option> 
<option value="Gamma">Gamma</option> 
<td align="center" class="shuttleControl"> 
<a  href="#" id="P15_SHUTTLE_RESET"><img src="/i/htmldb/icons/shuttle_reload.png" alt="Reset"  /></a><a  href="#" id="P15_SHUTTLE_MOVE_ALL"><img src="/i/htmldb/icons/shuttle_last.png" alt="Move All"  /></a><a  href="#" id="P15_SHUTTLE_MOVE"><img src="/i/htmldb/icons/shuttle_right.png" alt="Move"  /></a><a  href="#" id="P15_SHUTTLE_REMOVE"><img src="/i/htmldb/icons/shuttle_left.png" alt="Remove"  /></a><a  href="#" id="P15_SHUTTLE_REMOVE_ALL"><img src="/i/htmldb/icons/shuttle_first.png" alt="Remove All"  /></a></td> 
<td class="shuttleSelect2"> 
<select multiple="multiple" id="P15_SHUTTLE_RIGHT" name="p_v01" size="10" class="shuttle_right"> 
<td align="center" class="shuttleSort2"> 
<a  href="#" id="P15_SHUTTLE_TOP"><img src="/i/htmldb/icons/shuttle_top.png" alt="Top"  /></a><a  href="#" id="P15_SHUTTLE_UP"><img src="/i/htmldb/icons/shuttle_up.png" alt="Up"  /></a><a  href="#" id="P15_SHUTTLE_DOWN"><img src="/i/htmldb/icons/shuttle_down.png" alt="Down"  /></a><a  href="#" id="P15_SHUTTLE_BOTTOM"><img src="/i/htmldb/icons/shuttle_bottom.png" alt="Bottom"  /></a></td> 




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