Matlab - attach scalar value to RGB colours
When I read the following image into Matlab I am obtaining a 3D matrix which basically contains the values of RGB colour samples which compose every pixel within the image.
Have a look at RGB2IND:
You could then replace the Nx3 index output with your own custom N element index vector.
As you can see from running
colorlist=[1 0 0;1 1 0;0 1 0; 0 0 1; 0 1 1];
valuelist=[10 5 0 -8 -10];
hold all;
for i=1:10
the colorlist
defined above corresponds to the colors you are interested in.
To solve your question, for each pixel in your image, you would have to determine which RGB values are exactly zero and which ones are exactly one to determine between which pair you want to interpolate. For example, assuming size(image)==[100,100,3]
and image=im2double(imread(myfilename))
i.e. max(image(:))==1
if ((image(x,y,:)==0)==[0 0 1]) && ((image(x,y,:)==1)==[1 0 0])
%# interpolate between red and yellow
result(x,y)=10 - 5*image(x,y,2); %# pure red gives 10, pure yellow gives 5
elseif ((image(x,y,:)==0)==[0 0 1]) && ((image(x,y,:)==1)==[0 1 0])
%# interpolate between yellow and green
result(x,y)=5*image(x,y,1); %# pure yellow gives 5, pure green gives 0
%# ...
This solution is not vectorized, but it should get you on the right track for a doable implementation. Of course, if you could avoid saving the data with a multicolor lookup-table as RGB but save the raw values instead, you could save yourself some hassle...