
html() does not retrieve the whole content

I am getting the following response

<div id="weblogs">
        <td nowrap class="bl">1</td>
        <td nowrap class="bl">2</td>

Now I am trying to attach the rows like the following:

 function _ajax(postData)
        loadUrl         = "getweblogs.asp"; 
        $.ajax( {
            url : loadUrl, // your ajax file
            type : 'post',
            data : postData,                
            success : function( resp ) {
                alert($("#weblogs" , resp).html());
                $('#weblogs > tbody:last').append($("#weblogs" , resp).html());

        return false;

The replace is working fine. My problem is, that the htmls elements from the response are removed. I'm getting only 1 and 2. instead of

        <td nowrap class="bl">1</td>
    开发者_如何转开发    <td nowrap class="bl">2</td>

I don't know what am I doing wrong. Could someone give me any clue?

Thank you!

Greetings Magda

What you're trying to do is not so clear. Is there already an element with id="weblogs" in the page? If so, why does your response have an element with the same id (not a good idea), and if not, why are you trying to append an element's contents to itself like that (also, not a good idea)?

Why not just change the server-side to send the html required, without a wrapping div tag (which makes it invalid html anyway, another bad idea), and then use it as-is?

Another problem is that you're trying to select .html() of something that will always be an empty jquery object: $(selector, string) will never match anything. You'll need to make the string a jquery object if you want to search its substructure: string = $(string).

And I think you're misunderstanding the use of $(selector, $obj). The selector must be in the $obj's sub-structure:

$('#foo', $('<div id="foo"><span/></div>')); // returns empty jquery object

So looking for #weblogs in the substructure of an element with id weblogs will also never find anything.

Your question isn't entirely clear, but I'll try and answer: are you working with Internet Explorer? If so, consider this paragraph from the docs:

For example, Internet Explorer sometimes leaves off the quotes around attribute values if they contain only alphanumeric characters.

API docs: html()





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