
Are there any Designers for XForms?

I am searching for a designer or an IDE which can be used to create XForms by dragging and dropping elements.

I found visual XForms designer by IBM at http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/vxd . But it is not that us开发者_高级运维er friendly.

Thanks in advance.

There is Orbeon Form Builder. See also the FAQ. It's open source.

It's not strictly a general-purpose XForms editor, but it's a form editor that deals with XHTML+XForms+extensions. If you don't want to use Orbeon Forms to process the forms generated, you could transform the result e.g. with XSLT.

(Disclaimer: I work on Orbeon Forms.)

I am also trying to find a good XForm designer. One that I found useful is Vellum - It is an XForms form designer written purely in Javascript and it's Open source.

Vellum targets modern browsers. IE8 and earlier are not supported. It is used in production by Commcare.

Oryx used to offer one: http://bpt.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/Oryx/XForms. The current code is unmaintained, but there is a github fork.





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