
What components do I need to build a Metro-style app in WPF?

I have to create an appl开发者_StackOverflowication in WPF that has to be very fancy. I would like to create it with a Metro-like style like WP7 apps.

Do you know if there are components that can be used to obtain a similar style?

You can use Elysium, which licensed under MIT license and included ApplicationBar and ToastNotification classes.

What I think is a good solution, is to take the original Metro Styles of the Windows Phone 7 and ajust them that they fit Windows requirements.

A good one to start with is the LightBlue Style which can be found here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.0\Design

And I found an other promissing framework on codeplex. http://metrotoolkit.codeplex.com/ (But I did not check it out until now.)

You can use MahApps.metro. It's very cool.

I use Modern UI for WPF to style my WPF applications. It supports MVVM and looks really great.





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