How to select single record with Linq?
i have this table
**ID CityCode Price**
1 ABB 100
2 CAB 160
3 CAB 340
4 TRE 800
5 ABB 770
6 TRE 900
7 ABB 500
I want write down a query(linq) which will return the following result as show the code below
i want select a list with only the CityCode without duplicate record, How can i do it with linq to sql ?
Thanks so much for your attention,
have a good time, Cheers
It sounds like you want Distinct()
var cityCodes = cities.Select(x => x.CityCode).Distinct();
That's not the same as retrieving a single record (as per your title) though. If this isn't what you're after, please give us more information.
Try using .Distinct():
var city = (from ci in dc.citieis select ci.CityCode).Distinct();
I hope this is what you're looking for; please try to make your question more explainatory. For more on LINQ you can checkout my blog here : linqtoSQL