Ubuntu + Install Ruby 1.9, Rails 3 Using RVM [closed]
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Closed 10 years ago.
Improve this questionBest way to Install RUBY 1.9, Rails 3, Postgres, Heroku, GitHub,
Using RVM
Can anyone suggest me the best way in which,I follow to install it properly, because previously I felt in various dependencies issues.
Suggest something !!!
I would suggest you to follow this guide wrote by Ryan Bigg. You will be able to quickly setup your system for RVM + Ruby 1.9.2 + Rails.
Then have a look at heroku quick start guide to setup and learn how to use Heroku.
I followed this RVM to install RVM and it worked for me fine. After installing RVM you can install Ruby as well (without problems). After this, create gemset for your ruby version and execute gem install rails
- Rails will be installed. Then gem install heroku
Rails 3:
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-rvm nodejs #nodejs is javascript runtime, rails needs one
sudo rvm package install openssl #it doesn't work with stock openssl
sudo rvm install 1.9.2 --with-openssl-dir=$rvm_path/usr
sudo rvm --default use 1.9.2 #sets the default version of ruby to use in rvm-shell
rvmsudo gem install rails #rvmsudo is the way to go, sudo doesn't access the environment
This worked for me on Ubuntu 11.10. You have to use the rvm-shell in order to access the proper environment.
This can help you get Ruby and Rails set up step by step from my guide here http://www.aaginskiy.com/technology/2011/12/install-rails-3-1-from-scratch/
Postgresql and Heroku can be installed as gems by running gem install _____
use homebrew (https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/wiki/installation) to install Postgres, once you've got Homebrew installed you'd just do brew install postgresql
and follow the instructions
On Ubuntu, the best way to install is to not use RVM. Ruby 1.9 is in the repositories - use them. Everything else is a gem.