How to use on the fly jquery object with jquery template?
my jquery template displays [object Object] when I pass the following jquery anchor object.
moreinfoAnchor = $("<a></a>");
moreinfoAnchor.attr('id', 'moreLink-' +;
jquery template code:
link: moreinfoAnchor
How do I display actual anchor with jquery template?
Here's one way to do it.
Build your anchor tag with jQuery:
var moreinfoAnchor = $("<a></a>")
'href' : '',
'id' : 'moreLink'
Turn your jQuery anchor tag into a plain string:
var plainString = $('<div>')
.append( moreinfoAnchor.clone() ).remove().html();
Then apply the template:
link: plainString
You'll also have to make sure your template is set up using the html
template tag, something like this:
<script id="test" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<div>{{html link}}</div>