dokuwiki: disabling versioning in dokuwiki
i need help regarding dokuwiki i want to remove versioning from wiki. any tip our help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance I have looked into this code but so far didnt get any idea
`class cache_renderer extends cache_parser { function _useCache() { global $conf;
if (!parent::_useCache()) return false;
if (!isset($this->page)) {
r开发者_开发问答eturn true;
// check current link existence is consistent with cache version
// first check the purgefile
// - if the cache is more recent than the purgefile we know no links can have been updated
if ($this->_time >= @filemtime($conf['cachedir'].'/purgefile')) {
return true;
// for wiki pages, check metadata dependencies
$metadata = p_get_metadata($this->page);
if (!isset($metadata['relation']['references']) ||
empty($metadata['relation']['references'])) {
return true;
foreach ($metadata['relation']['references'] as $id => $exists) {
if ($exists != page_exists($id,'',false)) return false;
return true;
Search for the function saveOldRevision() in inc/common.php.
Btw. I would suggest to ask such questions in the official forum/mailinglist. There you'll find the people who know the sourcecode.