
Built-in Camera, using the extra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT stores pictures twice (in my folder, and in the default)

I'm currently developing an app which uses the built-in Camera. I call this snippet by clicking a button :

Intent intent = new Intent("android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE");
//Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
path += "/myFolder/myPicture.jpg";
File file = new File( path );
Uri outputFileUri = Uri.fromFile( file );
//String absoluteOutputFileUri = file.getAbsolutePath();

intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, outputFileUri);
startActiv开发者_如何学PythonityForResult(intent, 0);

After taking the picture with the camera, the jpg is well stored in sdcard/myFolder/myPicture.jpg, but it is also stored in /sdcard/DCIM/Camera/2011-06-14 10.36.10.jpg, which is the default path.

Is there a way to prevent the built-in Camera to store the picture in the default folder?

Edit : I think I will use the Camera class directly

Another way, tested on android 2.1, is take the ID or Absolute path of the gallery last image, then you can delete the duplicated image.

It can be done like that:

 * Gets the last image id from the media store
 * @return
private int getLastImageId(){
    final String[] imageColumns = { MediaStore.Images.Media._ID, MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
    final String imageOrderBy = MediaStore.Images.Media._ID+" DESC";
    Cursor imageCursor = managedQuery(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, imageColumns, null, null, imageOrderBy);
        int id = imageCursor.getInt(imageCursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media._ID));
        String fullPath = imageCursor.getString(imageCursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA));
        Log.d(TAG, "getLastImageId::id " + id);
        Log.d(TAG, "getLastImageId::path " + fullPath);
        return id;
        return 0;

And to remove the file:

private void removeImage(int id) {
   ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
   cr.delete(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, MediaStore.Images.Media._ID + "=?", new String[]{ Long.toString(id) } );

This code was based on the post: Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken

While the answer from "Ilango J" provides the basic idea.. I thought I'd actually write in how I actually did it. The temporary file path that we were setting in intent.putExtra() should be avoided as it's a non standard way across different hardwares. On HTC Desire (Android 2.2) it did not work, And i've heard it works on other phones. It's best to have a neutral approach which works every where.

Please note that this solution (using the Intent) requires that the phone's SD Card is available and is not mounted onto the PC. Even the normal Camera app wouldn't work when the SD Card is connected to the PC.

1) Initiate the Camera Capture intent. Note, I disabled temporary file writes (non-standard across different hardware)

    Intent camera = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
    startActivityForResult(camera , 0);

2) Handle callback and retrieve the captured picture path from the Uri object and pass it to step#3

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    switch (requestCode) {
    case CAPTURE_PIC: {
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && data != null) {
            Uri capturedImageUri = data.getData();
            String capturedPicFilePath = getRealPathFromURI(capturedImageUri);
            writeImageData(capturedImageUri, capturedPicFilePath);

public String getRealPathFromURI(Uri contentUri) {
    String[] projx = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
    Cursor cursor = managedQuery(contentUri, projx, null, null, null);
    int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA);
    return cursor.getString(column_index);

3) Clone and delete the file. See that I used the Uri's InputStream to read the content. The same can be read from the File of the capturedPicFilePath too.

public void writeImageData(Uri capturedPictureUri, String capturedPicFilePath) {

    // Here's where the new file will be written
    String newCapturedFileAbsolutePath = "something" + JPG;

    // Here's how to get FileInputStream Directly.
    try {
        InputStream fileInputStream = getContentResolver().openInputStream(capturedPictureUri);
        cloneFile(fileInputStream, newCapturedFileAbsolutePath);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // suppress and log that the image write has failed. 

    // Delete original file from Android's Gallery
    File capturedFile = new File(capturedPicFilePath);
    boolean isCapturedCameraGalleryFileDeleted = capturedFile.delete();

  public static void cloneFile(InputStream currentFileInputStream, String newPath) {
    FileOutputStream newFileStream = null;

    try {

        newFileStream = new FileOutputStream(newPath);

        byte[] bytesArray = new byte[1024];
        int length;
        while ((length = currentFileInputStream.read(bytesArray)) > 0) {
            newFileStream.write(bytesArray, 0, length);


    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("Prog", "Exception while copying file " + currentFileInputStream + " to "
                + newPath, e);
    } finally {
        try {
            if (currentFileInputStream != null) {

            if (newFileStream != null) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // Suppress file stream close
            Log.e("Prog", "Exception occured while closing filestream ", e);

try this code:

 Intent intent = new Intent("android.media.action.IMAGE_CAPTURE");
//Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
path += "/myFolder/myPicture.jpg";
File file = new File( path );
Uri outputFileUri = Uri.fromFile( file );
//String absoluteOutputFileUri = file.getAbsolutePath();

intent.putExtra("output", outputFileUri);
startActivityForResult(intent, 0);




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取 消

