How to replace nulls with zeros in postgresql crosstabs
I've a product table with product_id and 100+ attributes. The product_id is text whereas the attribute columns are integer, i.e. 1 if the attribute exists. When the Postgresql crosstab is run, non-matching atrributes return null values. How do I replace nulls with zeros instead.
INTO ct3
FROM crosstab(
'SELECT account_number, attr_name, sub FROM products ORDER BY 1,2',
'SELECT DISTINCT attr_name FROM attr_names ORDER BY 1')
AS ct(
account_number text,
Attr1 integer,
Attr2 integer,
Attr3 integer,
Attr4 integer,
Replace this result:
account_number Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Attr4
1.00000001 1 null null null
1.00000002 null null 1 null
1.00000003 null null 1 null
1.00000004 1 null null null
1.00000005 1 null null null
1.00000006 null null null 1
1.00000007 1 null null null
with this below:
account_number Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Attr4
1.00000001 1 0 0 0
1.00000002 0 0 1 0
1.00000003 0 0 1 0
1.00000004 1 0 0 0
1.00000005 1 0 0 0
1开发者_开发技巧.00000006 0 0 0 1
1.00000007 1 0 0 0
A workaround would be to do a select account_number, coalesce(Attr1,0)... on the result. But typing out coalesce for each of the 100+ columns is rather unyieldly. Is there a way to handle this using crosstab? Thanks
You can use coalesce:
select account_number,
coalesce(Attr1, 0) as Attr1,
coalesce(Attr2, 0) as Attr2,
if you can put those Attrs into a table like
then you could automatically generate the repeating coalesce statement like
SELECT 'coalesce("' || attr || '", 0) "'|| attr ||'",' from table;
to save some typing.