
How to perform a browser update for long running ASPX request to AJAX-enabled WCF service?

I've got a long running request on an ASPX page (.NET 3.5) to an AJAX-enabled WCF service. The set up basically works fine and I get the result back to my JavaScript callback after n seconds, but I'd like to know whether there is a way to keep the browser updated about the progress on the server while the process (开发者_如何学Pythoni.e. the webservice method) is running.

I've spent a while looking into this, but unfortunately I couldn't find any posts regarding my problem. As the AJAX request should basically be an XmlHttp request I assume that there might be a way to query for the status (and ideally even some status info, e.g. "n out of m entries processed").

Please let me know in case my question isn't clear enough, thanks in advance for your help.


One way is to poll the server at regular intervals and use a progress bar component. Polling can be accomplished by using a httphandler. Please check my reply here:

Need progressbar in GridView ASP.Net





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