iPhone - sending a message "in the air" for any listener object
Is there a way onto the iPhone for an object to send a message without a specific receiver object, and into another object, listen to such messages, that could come with objects (parameters), and do what is needed ?
I searched arou开发者_运维问答nd NSNotification but I don't see what I should do.
Objects that want to be notified need to register to receive notifications with the notification center. Thereafter, when a notification is posted to the notification center, the notification center will check it against all the registered filters, and the corresponding action will be taken for each matching filter.
A "filter" in this case is the pair of (notification name, notification object). A nil
object in the filter is equivalent to any object (the notification object is ignored in matching). The name is required.
/* Subscribe to be sent -noteThis:
* whenever a notification named @"NotificationName" is posted to the center
* with any (or no) object. */
NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(noteThis:)
/* Post a notification. */
[nc postNotificationName:@"NotificationName" object:self userInfo:someDict];
/* Handle a notification. */
- (void)noteThis:(NSNotification *)note
id object = [note object];
NSDictionary *userInfo = [note userInfo];
/* take some action */
There is a more modern API using queues and blocks, but I find the old API easier to illustrate and explain.
Basically, you post a notification (NSNotification) to the shared class, NSNotificationCenter
. Here's an example:
#define kNotificationCenter [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
#define kNotificationToSend @"a notification name as a string"
//... Post the notification
[kDefaultCenter postNotificationNamed:knotificationToSend withObject:nil];
Any class that wants to listen, adds itself as an observer to the notifcation center. You must remove the observer as well.
[kNotificationCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(methodToHandleNotification) object:nil];
//... Usually in the dealloc or willDisappear method:
[kNotificationCenter removeObserver:self];
You can do more with the notification center. See the NSNotificationCenter documentation fr complete reference.
I think NSNotification
is the message object itself, to send to listen to what is sent try NSNotificationCenter
. It has a singleton object, so to send the message:
NSNotification *notificationObj;
NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[center postNotification:notificationObj];
And the other class listen to with:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(method:) object:nil];
Make sure that class has method:
method. You can have a single parameter, which is an NSNotification
object that is sent earlier. The NSNotification
object has [notificationObj object
which you can get as a piece of data sent by the sender class. Alternatively, you might use [notificationObj userInfo]
if you want it to be more structured.
you can initialise notificationObj
and tailor it with the message that you'd want. More information on NSNotificationCenter
, you can find it
or for more information about NSNotification