
About to create my own webshop? Pros and cons [closed]

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I want to build an e-commerce application with a bunch of features, as multi-language and currency support and some social interaction between the users (it is a fashion store).

I am doing this basically for learning purposes, but also with the hope of earn a little money with it afterwards.

My question is, do you think with all the solutions out there, it is still worth to start from scratch? Which are the pros and cons, and which frameworks do you suggest?

开发者_StackOverflow社区I tend to use ruby on rails, but I know there are also Java and PHP based solutions, so I wonder about the pros and cons of them here as well...

Thanks in advance.

You can make money selling it to non-developer clients for sure. But if you are trying to make a business of an e-commerce platform you will find rough open source competition.

Check out these options:


  • OpenCart
  • OSCommerce
  • Magento


  • Spree

In my case I prepared a web-shop application out of one of the open source ones.

Now for learning it is a good experience start from scratch but it will be difficult to make money of it as a platform unless you do it open source and get paid in advertisement

You'll never learn more than when you build an app that does something you want to do for yourself. If your goal is to learn, go for it.

That said, if your goal is to make money selling stuff, you probably should skip ahead to selling -- use an existing platform like Shopify or Spree and start worrying about what you're going to sell and who is going to buy it. That's a totally different challenge from software development.

Good luck either way.





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