
KDevelop 4.2.2 syntax highlighting questions

For my C++ development I am running KDevelop on Ubuntu Natty, I have two questions:

1) It highlights all my variables in random rainbow colors - how can I change that? I want all my variables in light blue.

开发者_JAVA技巧2) The functions color is always purple, how can I change that?

I'd appreciate if someone knows the answer.

Thank you!!

The answer to both your questions is simple: at the moment you cannot.

You can make sure that all variables are highlighted in the same color, but this color will be black and cannot be changed. Go to

Settings -> Configure KDevelop... -> Language Support

And make sure that in the Semantic Code Highlighting part both Local Colorization Intensity and Global Colorization Intensity are set to zero (i.e. slide the slider to the left).

However, why would you want this? Personally, I find it very convenient to have a different color for every variable. It lets you very easily spot all occurrences of a particular variable.

Yeah... the source code is quite "poor"... there are many hard coded values with no options to change them... Fortunately, it's open source ;)

I ran out with the same problem : I agree, the rainbow color increase readability in some ways but personally, it distracts me... So I did this patch to kdevplatform :

  diff -aur -x '*.user' -x CMakeFiles kdevplatform-1.7.0-o/language/highlighting/colorcache.cpp kdevplatform-1.7.0-n/language/highlighting/colorcache.cpp
  --- kdevplatform-1.7.0-o/language/highlighting/colorcache.cpp 2014-08-26 19:49:48.000000000 +0000
  +++ kdevplatform-1.7.0-n/language/highlighting/colorcache.cpp 2014-10-23 19:50:37.667559094 +0000
  @@ -43,37 +43,38 @@

  #define ifDebug(x)

  -// ######### start interpolation
  +//// ######### start interpolation

  -uint totalColorInterpolationStepCount = 6;
  -uint interpolationWaypoints[] = {0xff0000, 0xff9900, 0x00ff00, 0x00aaff, 0x0000ff, 0xaa00ff};
  -//Do less steps when interpolating to/from green: Green is very dominant, and different mixed green tones are hard to distinguish(and always seem green).
  -uint interpolationLengths[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xff};
  -uint totalGeneratedColors = 10;
  -uint totalColorInterpolationSteps()
  -  uint ret = 0;
  -  for(uint a = 0; a < totalColorInterpolationStepCount; ++a)
  -    ret += interpolationLengths[a];
  -  return ret;
  -///Generates a color from the color wheel. @param step Step-number, one of totalColorInterpolationSteps
  -QColor interpolate(uint step)
  -  uint waypoint = 0;
  -  while(step > interpolationLengths[waypoint]) {
  -    step -= interpolationLengths[waypoint];
  -    ++waypoint;
  -  }
  -  uint nextWaypoint = (waypoint + 1) % totalColorInterpolationStepCount;
  -  return KColorUtils::mix( QColor(interpolationWaypoints[waypoint]), QColor(interpolationWaypoints[nextWaypoint]),
  -                           float(step) / float(interpolationLengths[waypoint]) );
  +//uint totalColorInterpolationStepCount = 6;
  +//uint interpolationWaypoints[] = {0xff0000, 0xff9900, 0x00ff00, 0x00aaff, 0x0000ff, 0xaa00ff};
  +////Do less steps when interpolating to/from green: Green is very dominant, and different mixed green tones are hard to distinguish(and always seem green).
  +//uint interpolationLengths[] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xbb, 0xff};
  +//uint totalGeneratedColors = 10;
  +//uint totalColorInterpolationSteps()
  +//  uint ret = 0;
  +//  for(uint a = 0; a < totalColorInterpolationStepCount; ++a)
  +//    ret += interpolationLengths[a];
  +//  return ret;
  +/////Generates a color from the color wheel. @param step Step-number, one of totalColorInterpolationSteps
  +//QColor interpolate(uint step)
  +//  uint waypoint = 0;
  +//  while(step > interpolationLengths[waypoint]) {
  +//    step -= interpolationLengths[waypoint];
  +//    ++waypoint;
  +//  }
  +//  uint nextWaypoint = (waypoint + 1) % totalColorInterpolationStepCount;
  +//  return KColorUtils::mix( QColor(interpolationWaypoints[waypoint]), QColor(interpolationWaypoints[nextWaypoint]),
  +//                           float(step) / float(interpolationLengths[waypoint]) );

  // ######### end interpolation
  namespace KDevelop {
  @@ -144,6 +145,7 @@
     m_defaultColors = new CodeHighlightingColors(this);

  +  /*
     uint step = totalColorInterpolationSteps() / totalGeneratedColors;
     uint currentPos = m_colorOffset;
     ifDebug(kDebug() << "text color:" << m_foregroundColor;)
  @@ -152,6 +154,7 @@
     ifDebug(kDebug() << "color" << a << "interpolated from" << currentPos << " < " << totalColorInterpolationSteps() << ":" << (void*) m_colors.last().rgb();)
     currentPos += step;
  +  */
     m_validColorCount = m_colors.count();

it removes the color generated, so that variables are now really black (foreground color).

for the 2) it seems the current version respects the kate syntax color (not sure).

on Archlinux I also did this PKGBUILD :

  _pkgname=kdevplatform without rainbow colors highlighting
  pkgdesc="A C/C++ development platform for KDE"
  arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
  depends=('kdelibs' 'subversion' 'qjson')
  optdepends=("kdesdk-kompare: difference checking")
  makedepends=('cmake' 'automoc4' 'boost')

  prepare() {
  cd ${_pkgname}-${pkgver}
  patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/no-rainbow-color.patch
  cd ${srcdir}
  mkdir build

  build() {
  cd build
  cmake ../${_pkgname}-${pkgver} \

  package() {
  cd build
  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install

Do not get rid of variables with different colors, you will ask yourself how you did in the past without it.





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