Deactivate/activate link with jQuery?
I'm looking for a simple solution to deactivate/activte button links. I could use addClass/removeClass to change the color to gray when deactivated, but there is still possible to clic开发者_JS百科k on the link. Is there a way to handle this?
You can prevent the default behaviour of the link like this:
$('#linkID').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); });
If you mean "button" rather than "link" (as you say "button links" I'm not sure which you mean), you can simply disable
the button:
$('#buttonID').attr('disabled', true);
You can try this:
Here is a demo of link click deactivated
Please, post your code so we can adjust to your situation.
Similar to James' answer (which is totally appropriate), but a slightly different approach:
$('a.disabled').click(function(e) {
return false;
Now just use this:
<a href="foo" class="disabled">Disabled Link</a>
In jQuery 1.4.3 you can now pass in 'false' in place of an event handler. This will bind an event handler that's equivalent to: function(){ return false; }. This function can be removed at a later time by calling: .unbind( eventName, false ).
//Same as e.preventDefault() and e.stopPropagation();
//Or if you don't want to stopPropagation by default()...
$('a').click(function(e) {
For links it is enough to remove href attribute like:
if (<something>) {
aHrefLink.attr('href', '/products?productId=' + productId);
aHrefLink.attr('title', '');
} else {
aHrefLink.attr('title', 'Please select the product first');
Although this is an old question, I just want to update the solution. You can easily disable anything in JQuery Mobile, even custom DIVs or classes by simply adding ui-disabled class: