collection_select with has_many :through relationship table data
I have such terrible models:
class ParentalRelation < ActiveRecord::Base
b开发者_高级运维elongs_to :parent
belongs_to :student
belongs_to :counselor
belongs_to :parental_relation_type
class ParentalRelationType < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :parental_relations
class Parent < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :parental_relations
has_many :students, :through => :parental_relations
has_many :counselors, :through=> :parental_relations
has_many :parental_relation_types, :through=> :parental_relations
belongs_to :user, :dependent=> :destroy
belongs_to :occupation_type
accepts_nested_attributes_for :user
Parental relation types are like father, mother, etc. The reasoning is that a parental relation between one counselor, one parent and one student is unique and counselors should not see the relations that belong other counselors.
In controllers/parent_controller/edit action I have:
@parental_relation= ParentalRelation.find_by_counselor_id_and_student_id_and_parent_id(x, y, z)
In views/parent/_form.html.erb I have:
<%= form_for @parent do |f| %>
inside that form I need a collection_select for ParentalRelationType.all and select the parent's parental_relation_type_id for that particular parental relation, but I can't find the syntax to do it.
I tried adding
<%= collection_select(@parental_relation, :parental_relation_type_id, ParentalRelationType.all, :id, :name) %>
underneath the form_for, but the relation type id is 2, and default 1 is selected instead.
Added this to parents/_form
<%= fields_for @counselor_student_parent do |csp| %>
<%= f.label :parental_relation_type_id %>
<%= collection_select(:student_counselor_parent, :parental_relation_type_id, ParentalRelationType.all, :id, :name) %>
<% end %>
And this to parents_controller/new
def new
@counselor= Counselor.find(params[:counselor_id])
@student= Student.find(params[:student_id])
@parent_user= @parent.build_user