
CSS How to style a specific <li>?

Using jQuery, I wanted to know how I can style a specific list item?

For example, I'd like to style the first <li> (first-child) to give it its own style, then give the next five list items heir own styles, and then the next five their own styles, etc.

I read som开发者_如何学Cething a long time ago about :nth but didn't quite understand it. Is this easy to achieve?

nth-child allows you to provide an expression which is evaluated to give a set of elements. The simplest expression you can provide is just a number (e.g. nth-child(3)) which will apply the style to the 3rd child.

You can use it to apply styles to every 3rd child by using an expression such as 3n, and can even use odd or even to apply styles to (obviously) every odd or even child.

However, I don't think you can use it apply styles to repeated blocks of multiple elements (e.g. style 5 elements one way, and the next 5 another) with a single expression.

Google helps a lot: http://css-tricks.com/how-nth-child-works/

ul li:nth-child(5) {
  color: #ccc;

Or jQuery: http://api.jquery.com/nth-child-selector/

$("ul li:nth-child(5)").css("color", "#ccc");

To style groups of LI:

$(document.body).click(function () {
  $("ul li").each(function (index) {
    // This will get the remainder of the division of the li index by 10
    var groupNum = index % 10;

    // Style groups of 5 LIs differently
    if (groupNum<5) {
      $(this).css("color", "#ccc");
    } else {
      $(this).css("color", "#222");

Not tested, but it should give you the idea.





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