
jQuery selector for a class followed by a space and then again another class

I have a markup like this:

<div class="classA classB">the content</div>

What I would like is a selector that selects all of the divs that start with classA and I did this:


but since I (for example) have also classes like:

<div class="classAsuffix">

that selector would grab this div also, and I do not want that.

So, I want a selector that will get me all of the divs that do start with classA but then after that have a space so in general: give me all divs which have "classA (space) someOtherClass".

I hope I'm clear with my request. Thank you for your help!

Oh, forgot tot mention: I tried this:

$开发者_如何学Python("div[class^='classA ']") but it doesn't work...

The quotes around your value should be double quotes, not single quotes. Actually, it doesn't seem to matter. So:

var matches = $('div[class^="classA "]');

...which works with the latest jQuery. It matches an element with a class attribute starting with "classA " and so doesn't match div class="classA" but does match div class="classA classB". But your version with single quotes works too. I've tried Chrome 11 (Linux & Windows), Firefox 3.6 (Linux), Firefox 4.0.1 (Windows), IE6, IE7, IE9, Opera 11 (Linux & Windows), and Safari 5 (Windows). I've tried jQuery 1.6.1 (the links above are to the "latest"), and jQuery 1.5.2. All gave the same result, finding only what I understand you want it to find.

But — and this is slightly off-topic — I'd take a step back and look hard at why this need is coming up. It's very unusual, which suggests there may be a better approach... Without knowing the underlying need, though, I could be wrong there.

you could combine two statements.


This case you would check for class beginning with classA and also that the element has this class. But this would also be valid class="classASuffix classA classB" or class="classA".

This should get all DIVs with class="classA classB":


Selects all DIVs where the class-attribute STARTS WITH 'classA' and ENDS WITH 'classB'


you can use $('div[class~="classA"]'); See the following link for explanation: http://api.jquery.com/attribute-contains-word-selector/

This would select all divs that have both classA and classB, but not divs with just classAsuffix and classB:






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