
Newbie Question: PDO and MYSQL INSERT Query problem

I'm attempting to be more secure and start using PDO and prepared statements. This had been recommended to me and I've read up on these two websites: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/why-you-should-be-using-phps-pdo-for-database-access/ and http://webdevrefinery.com/forums/topic/1272-your-mysql-code-sucks

I've hit a brick wall and I can't understand why the following doesn't work. I am trying to insert a row (to log a 404 error). I have read up about named and unnamed placeholders and I think the named placeholder method will be easier to maintain. I've also tried using "try" and "catch" for the first time. All of this is completely new to me, so please be kind! I don't get any errors but the code doesn't update the database- I get zero rows returned.

Here is the code:

$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$domainName = "http://domain.com";
$_dtNow = date("d-m-Y H:i:s");
$_referer = $domainName.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$_thisPage = $domainName.$url;
$_host = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'];
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {$_ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];} else {$_ua = "unset";}

$host =     'localhost';
$port =     3306; // This is the default port for MySQL
$database = 'databaseName';
$username = 'username';
$password = 'password';
  // Construct the DSN, or "Data Source Name".  Really, it's just a fancy name
  // for a string that says what type of server we're connecting to, and how
  // to connect to it.  As long as the above is filled out, this line is all
  // you need :)
  $dsn = "mysql:host=$host;por开发者_运维问答t=$port;dbname=$database";

try {
  // Connect!
  $db = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password);  
  $data = array( 
                'dateTime' =>   $_dtNow, 
                'referer' =>    $_referer, 
                'page' =>       $_thisPage,
                'ip' =>         $_ip,
                'host' =>       $_host,
                'ua' =>         $_ua
  $statement = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO 404s (dateTime, referer, page, ip, host, ua) value (:dateTime, :referer, :page, :ip, :host, :ua)");
catch(PDOException $e) {  
    echo $e->getMessage();  


Are you sure of the table name is 404s it sound like an incorrect identifier.

 INSERT INTO 404s (dateTime, referer, page, ip, host, ua) value (:dateTime, :referer, :page, :ip, :host, :ua)

Try :

 INSERT INTO `404s` (dateTime, referer, page, ip, host, ua) value (:dateTime, :referer, :page, :ip, :host, :ua)

Use backquote around `404s`

Note Keep in mind that construct such as :

create table `404` ( `33` integer);

Are valid .

When you build complex request use of ` is very useful to avoid some kind of painful SQL errors especially when you format request from an introspection algorithm.

Like table, columns and database have to be protected.

In addition to @Dave Kiss, the SQL statement has a small typo at 'value'. It should be 'VALUES'.

INSERT INTO 404s (dateTime, referer, page, ip, host, ua) VALUES (:dateTime, :referer, :page, :ip, :host, :ua)

Maybe that is all.

BTW: Using leading numbers in identifiers (like your table name 404s) is bad style. You may use them, but you have to but the table name in backticks:

INSERT INTO `404s` (dateTime, referer, page, ip, host, ua) VALUES (:dateTime, :referer, :page, :ip, :host, :ua)


  1. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/insert.html
  2. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/identifiers.html

Try adding the colons to your keys in the data array.

/* Execute a prepared statement by passing an array of insert values */

  $data = array( 
                ':dateTime' =>   $_dtNow, 
                ':referer' =>    $_referer, 
                ':page' =>       $_thisPage,
                ':ip' =>         $_ip,
                ':host' =>       $_host,
                ':ua' =>         $_ua
  $statement = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO 404s (dateTime, referer, page, ip, host, ua) value (:dateTime, :referer, :page, :ip, :host, :ua)");




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